Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Artist Statement Parts

  • Select a favorite work of art that you have created in class this semester (it must still be available for digital photographs!! If you have taken it home, you will need to bring it back to school for one day only, so we can get some pics on it, ok?). 

  • Please choose a work that you think best meets the following criteria:

excellent craftsmanship
good use of elements & principles of art
represents you as an artist

  • Create an artist's statement. This means that you will need to sit down and think about what you personally wanted to achieve in this class as well as what kind of message you were trying to communicate to the viewer(s) of your work. Not sure what to write about or what kind of information you should include? Take a look at the attached examples of artist's statements that I just randomly pulled off of the Internet. As you write, consider that you are now going to be writing to a WORLD WIDE AUDIENCE. Anyone who has access to a computer could now see an example of your work from anywhere in the world. Not only does an artist's statement say something about their work (meaning processes/techniques/craftsmanship), but it also should give the viewer many compelling insights about the artist who created the work (meaning emotions/feelings/inspirations/ideas, etc.,).

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